Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Words to Live By

Safety pins = NEVER a good idea. Especially as earring substitutes, even if they're sanitized.

DIY ear piercing = NOT the smart option. Go to Claire's and spend some money to get it done the right way. The right way = NOT a needle, even if it's sanitized.

Blogging at midnight on a school night = NOT a good idea. Ever.

Dr Pepper, and lots of it, right before bed = NOT a good idea. Ever. It generally leads to blogging at midnight on a school night.

Using chatrooms = Hmm. It's hard to take a clear stance on this one, cause I really like using them. On the one hand you get to meet all sorts of interesting people across the country/world, and that's always a great thing. On the other, you get to meet all sorts of pervy people across the country/world. Plus you might start chatting with some random gay guy from Missouri and before you know it, you've agreed to give each other your virginity when (if) you meet. And you might have all these people chatting you up at once that you can barely remember who's talking about what and you get conversations confused. So all in all, not a GOOD idea. But definitely an idea.

Running naked through the streets = DEFINITELY not a good idea. Especially because I would never do it, which makes this section a complete joke. Hahahaha, funny funny.

Going to sleep now = VERY good idea. Like, now and everything.


  1. You didnt actually pierce your ears yourself did you....because that would hurt like the dickens....

  2. Yes, Chelsea, I did actually pierce my ears myself. With a needle. And no ice. Which really didn't hurt at all until I needed to USE A SAFETY PIN AS AN OVERNIGHT SUBSTITUTE because the stud's front broke off from the pokey bit and clasp. Yeah. . . . Anyway, so I got a new pair from my friend and all is well.

  3. Hey, IIII pierced your ears. Not you. Cause I am cool like that. And I only mention it because I am still slightly upset (except not, cause you're you and I don't get upset at you) over my lack of insanity description. :} Loves, dear.
