Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Piercing Question: Revisited

The deed is done. I now have one piercing in each ear. A quick follow-up of various reactions:

My mother asked, and I quote, "Where did you get those?" and "Who did that to you?" I responded that we did it during lunch and that it was my friend's sister's fiance. And that is all she's said on it. No "I demand that you take them out!" which wouldn't have mattered anyway cause I turn 18 in two months and then she has no say.

My younger sister thinks it's weird but loves me anyway. My (next) oldest sister worried for my life until I actually talked to her, and now worries that I will get letters from my grandma reminding me of my divine purpose and that I must never lose sight of it. My oldest oldest sister hasn't been informed, so her reaction is unknown. My dad hasn't said anything, but by next Tuesday he will. (Why Tuesday, you ask? It was the first day to pop into my head.)

My friends are ecstatic. Those who go to Lone Peak want to journey to AF tomorrow during lunch to view my new fashion statement. And my AF friends so far are like, in awe of me or something.

On other notes, one of the Young Women's leaders in my ward was practically overflowing with happiness when she saw me at the Mutual activity my younger sister forced me to attend tonight. And everyone else, who usually come across as very straight-edge Mormons, was asking about it and saying how cool it was. So it's been handled relatively well so far.

Joy of joys. Now I don't have to worry about being flayed alive and having my heart roasted on a spit.

1 comment:

  1. Post a picture!! POST A PICTURE!!! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to witness the spectacle myself due to the fact that I don't have a car, my friends don't have any classes with me, and no one has the guts to skip AP classes. I did hear about it, though, from Liz. It was quite amazing.
