Friday, March 19, 2010

Thoughts on a Friday

• I am not truly a people person. Put me in charge of a group larger than six or seven, and I immediately get cranky/bitchy. (Put me in charge of a group of 130 and I explode inside.) Inevitably I get a headache and need chocolate or Dr. Pepper. Both is even better.

• Kelley makes everything better. By better, I mean more enjoyable, not that he fixes everything.

• God caused an unexpected fire drill to make me go to fourth period today. For once I was needed in that class.

• Altruism in action: Despite knowing I wouldn't fit comfortably and therefore have a claustrophobia attack, I took the middle seat in a car so that others could have seats better suited to themselves. Someone pointed out they could have sat there, but by then it was too late to do anything.

• Music makes everything well.
ADDENDUM 1: Good music makes everything better.

• Selective tone-deafness would be a great tool to have.

• My friends come in groups, and the groups don't have much crossover. For some reason I get the image of condiment packages, but the metaphor breaks down when you open ketchup and mustard at the same time.

• I think teachers hate me sometimes. And by sometimes I mean a lot.

• Hypocritical moment of the day (well, week): I rescued a book from the trash.

• I made a Flair on Facebook, and it is in the top 310,000. For some reason this is a major accomplishment. (Currently 302,041 — search for Lady Gaga to find it)

• Anne Rice makes everything better.

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