Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Karmic Pairs

First off I say the word should be "karmatic" not "karmic". "Karmatic" sounds so much cooler, especially when placed before "pairs".

Second off. WHY, UNIVERSE, WHY?!

Do you have this vendetta against me really being happy? Is that what this is all about?


So, whenever I think I've found somebody whom I'd like to get to know better and seriously date (who would like to get to know me better and seriously date), the universe decides to throw in another person I'd like to get to know better and seriously date (who would also like to get to know me better and seriously date).

Seriously, what the FUCK, universe?! Did I do something to make it that for me to want one person to be happy, I have to hurt somebody else to get it? This is the third time it's happened. Is there some cosmic message I'm not getting? I mean, the first time they were both straight but really attractive, so it wouldn't work out anyway, and the second time it didn't work out with either of them despite efforts with both, so is this a way of saying it won't? Cause I sincerely hope it doesn't. I'd really like to get to know one of them a lot better, and the other one I'd like to become better friends with. So please, universe, give me this chance.


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