Friday, September 17, 2010

And now, live from the New House!

Yeah, okay. I've been here a couple weeks, and you'd think exciting things would have happened between then and now.

Exciting things that have happened between then and now:

1. I've had one date.
2. I've had one job interview.
3. TBA

Yeah, life here isn't a whole lot different than before. Food selection is limited and the internet connection is a thousand times better, but other than that life hasn't changed much. I still spend the majority of my time doing one of five major activities (reading, writing, Facebooking, talking to boys, sleeping). I still stay up till obscene hours and don't sleep in nearly as much as I'd like, though now I don't have to do it secretively.

Even the selection of boys I talk to hasn't changed much. Sure, new location, new pool, right? I guess. Unfortunately the gay community is rather polarized. You get the Gym Rats with minimal personality but carefully-sculpted bodies, the Friendly Older Men, and the teenage Flamers with matching hairdos and profiles. "im chill no girlz plz bois tlk 2 me plz plz".


Roommates are nice, and aside from a couple mild spats things have gone smoothly all around. We take turns buying milk and avoid eating each other's food. We watch movies or play Band Hero or Monopoly every night, so there is actual bonding. Chores get done. Life goes on.

Now if I could just get a job....

Interview with the café at Barnes & Noble tomorrow. And NaNoWriMo is only 44 days away. (Technically 43 days, 23 hours and 55-ish minutes, but we're not counting.)

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