Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breaking the News

No, nobody's dead or dying. I'm not getting married, and I'm not eloping to Mexico.

I'm moving out.

Not a whole lot of people really read my blog — in fact a good chunk of those that do already know I'm moving out — so this shouldn't really be big news, but it feels blog-worthy, and heaven knows there's very few things in my life that feel blog-worthy. Call me pathetic, but I'll take any chance I can get.

The whole thing is kind of a leave-it-to-fate affair, to be honest. One of my friends had been meaning to move out for a while and got a loan approved and stuff. He — yes it's a he, but we're not dating, nor would we ever — said that so long as I can pay back the first month's rent, if it doesn't work out I can always move back in, hopefully wiser and stuff. A learning experience if you will. Of course, I still don't have a job, but we're going hunting and having positive thoughts so it'll all work out.

It's up in Sugarhouse, just off I-80 and right down the street from where my cousin, sister and I saw Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist when it hit dollar theaters. There's coffee shops out the butt, a Barnes & Noble (which I'm obviously applying for), Toys R Us, D.I., a yogurt place, Payless, Pier 49, and tons of other places all within walking distance of the house — yes it's a house, not an apartment.

I'm . . . excited but terrified. Also stressing far more than is really necessary. I mean, all my stuff isn't coming with me so why am I worried about packing it all? All I need are clothes, a bed (or at least a mattress for a while), my electronics, and a few books. (Not to mention the glow-in-the-dark stars Roomie and I are putting up everywhere.) Eventually I'm getting a cell phone, but for now I have to make do without.

It's not even something I've really thought about, moving out. Sure, I've wished I could get out a lot, but never something I've seriously considered. Now, though.... It just feel right, I guess. Like this is what I need in my life. Go out and fail, or win, or whatever. Personally I'm hoping for a win.

In other news, only 66 days until Nanowrimo 2010. Already I feel better prepared, cause I actually know what I'm probably going to be doing. Or at least I have ideas. Something like that. I feel good about this one. Something to look forward to.

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