Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Nerdiness Expansion

I've made Facebook pages for two of my characters. Both of these characters are making friends with other characters made by other authors on Facebook, for the sole purpose of having a character social network.

Only 25 days, 8 hours and about 20 minutes till Nanowrimo 2010!

So far I know the name of my main character (Ariel Deanna Turner) and a basic plot point. ("Basic plot point" here means "initial idea and no clue what else to do with it".) It's modern day, possibly in an alternate Earth, and relatively realistic. ("Relatively realistic" here means "there isn't any magic or dragons".) So far she's completely alone in this story-world — I don't know anything about her family, friends, or coworkers. As far as I know she's single and has no pets. Things I DO know about her: She likes Imogen Heap and is a lactose intolerant redhead. Fortunately I have three and a half weeks to finish figuring this out.

....Yeah, that should be enough time.

Bonus points if you get the title reference.


  1. XD It's so weird . . . sharing my name with a character of my friend . . . Though, I do that, too . . . but now I know what it's like on the other side. XD

    YOU CAN DO IT MR. BRADLEY! \o/ Figuring the rest out that is. :3

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